Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Invoke, Invoke the Blood of My Son Jesus upon Your Families, Your Cities, Your Regions
Monthly Message of the Virgin of Reconciliation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on July 5, 2024

Let us be silent. Let us gather deeply in silence to meekly and humbly accept the monthly public message that the Most Blessed Virgin of Reconciliation, Queen of the Blessed Garden, wished to leave us today, July 5, 2024. The Virgin Mary appeared clothed all in resplendent white; she had her exposed Heart surmounted by a small flame. She rested on a cloud. The Virgin Mary, after making the Sign of the Cross, smiling sweetly said:
Praised be Jesus Christ, always be praised.
Dear children, it is I, the Queen of the Precious Blood, and in this month, dedicated to It, I invite you to pray the Chaplet of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus. Invoke, invoke the Blood of My Son Jesus upon your families, your cities, your Regions. The Blood of My Son gives healing, deliverance, purification, salvation.
My children, I love you, I love you infinitely, I love you immensely and I await you in this holy place every 5th day of the month, a day consecrated to Me.
Next August 5 will be the 15th anniversary of My Apparition in this place so dear to the Father of Love, so dear to the Redeemer Son and the Consoling Spirit. I descend to this place sent by the Divine Trinity of Love to save you from iniquity, to save you from impiety, to give you peace, light and eternal salvation. Correspond to My Call, correspond to My Call and you will have great privileges.
I love you and bless you all with My Motherly Blessing, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Continue, continue to pray the Holy Rosary in honor of My Immaculate Heart. Shalom, shalom My children.